
ダニエル・イノウエ。50年にわたる上院議員。ハワイにイノウエ国際空港が。2012/12/17没。Daniel K. Inouye

ダニエル・イノウエ。50年にわたる上院議員。ハワイにイノウエ国際空港。2012/12/17没。Daniel K. Inouye

・1924/9/7- 2012/12/17 


日系ハワイ人からなる「第442連隊戦闘団」は、 ヨーロッパ戦線に投入され、死傷者数9,486人をだしました。

「第442連隊戦闘団」史上最も多くの勲章を貰った日系部隊 【6+】
(442nd Regimental Combat Team)


Daniel K. Inouye International Airport(ダニエル・K・イノウエ国際空港)  旧称、ハワイ国際空港

全米日系人博物館 - Japanese American National Museum

Daniel Inouye is a politician of the United States.
He was an elders lawmaker who had served as a senator for nearly fifty years since 1963 and was a senator of the Senate Democratic Party.
He was ranked third in the presidential succession ranking.
The "442 Regiment Battle Team" consisting of Japanese Hawaiians was launched into the European Front and brought out 9,486 casualties.
It is also known as a unit that received the most medals in the history of the United States of America.
The achievements of Nikkei troops have increased the existence of Nikkei who had been prejudiced.
"442 Regiment Battle Group"  got the highest medal in history ever

"The command to rescue the Texas State Battalion in France was unavoidablee, so to speak.
But we welcomed it.
Because it was an opportunity to prove the value of the Japanese and loyalty to the United States of America. "

【Cf.】United States Senate:Daniel K. Inouye 

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