
ピョートル1世。ロシアを専制君主化し、大国化する。2月8日没。Peter the Great

ピョートル1世。ロシアを専制君主化、大国化する。2月8日没。Peter the Great

・Peter the Great。Pyotr I Alekseevich[Пётр I Алексеевич]
・ 1672年6月9日- 1725年2月8日没







ピョートル大帝 【2+】


Peter I is also said to be Peter the Great. His height was 203 cm.

Peter the Great made Russia tyrannical and consolidated the foundation of a big power. The route to the big powe was handed over to Ekachelina II.

Russia in the 1600s was only a weak forces in Europe.
In 1697 Peter the Great visited Europe and promoted active westernization. He brought Western European technicians and modernized the industry.

He started a southward expansion policy from the Black Sea to the Mediterranean.
In the northern part, he got the sea control of the Baltic Sea and built the present St. Petersburg. He founded the Baltic fleet.

He pushed forward into Siberia. In 1689 he concluded  Nerchinsk treaty with Kangxi Emperor of China.

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